
The Cycle of Life

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I've been riding for a long time, and I've been riding this particular unicycle (my muni) for months. So it was a surprise that a few days ago, I noticed that something wasn't feeling right and discovered that this same thing was a bit larger than its brother.

I went to the doctor this morning, and his initial diagnosis was that it wasn't a hernia, leaving open several possibilities. Happily one of those wasn't testicular cancer, but just to check into the others, he sent me across the hall for a sonogram.

To my surprise, a cancellation allowed me to be seen right away. This led to a 'wet read,' which is when the doctor gets back some results and goes over them before you've left the office. So within 90 minutes, I'd been examined by a doctor and a sonographer, had my sonography read by a radiologist, and had those results related back to the doctor who then went over them with me. Only in New Paltz (or less specifically, never in NYC). And my copay for all of this medical care? $5.

As for the wet read, the doctor said that the sonogram had revealed what the radiologist felt might be a small hernia after all. So I'm back at the doctor's office tomorrow morning for a CAT scan.

The bad news is that I had to get around Manhattan on a scooter rather than my unicycle (I hate scooters). The good news is that my groin doesn't hurt anymore. Still, I hope I get some good results from the lab tomorrow.


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