
The Cycle of Life

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Dead Guni. Dead.

My geared unicycle DIED this past Wednesday. I was riding to the bus depot in New Paltz at the time. Correction: I was IN the parking lot where the bus arrives. I had just ridden there and was switching into low gear when it happened, a crunching of gears that sounded bad and felt worse. Within seconds I was phoning Shirra to ask if she could come to the depot to pick up my dead guni. The rest of the day I had to walk (heaven forfend!) and even wound up taking the subway from my mom's to Port Authority on my way home. I can't even remember the previous time I took the subway, but I think I was dressed pretty nicely and heading back from a conference.

The next day I took the guni apart and sent it back to Switzerland, where its inventor (Schlumpf) lives. I'd already contacted him, so he knows it's on its way (and should arrive shortly, since I mailed it Express). It turns out that I'm the first person to break the new hub. Go me.

In the meantime, I have been riding my new mountain unicycle instead. Yes, I've gone from guni to muni. It certainly offers a different ride -- quite slow in comparison, especially when riding long stretches like Route 32N -- but it's great for riding up our unpaved road at night. Still, I hope I get my geared unicycle back fast.


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