
The Cycle of Life

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Update on the Knees

I had arthro on my right knee nearly two months ago. The surgery went very well, and I literally walked out of the hospital that afternoon (albeit with my wife's help -- I was quite woozy). Within a few days, I was unicycling... gingerly at first, and then with more confidence.

That's when I noticed that the pain in my left knee had gotten a lot worse. It's been a little clunky forever, and it got worse after the Lobster, but in the two years since that race, it seemed to have plateaued so that for the most part, it was ok. Now I'm not so sure.

I went thru several weeks of physical therapy for my right knee after the surgery, and I don't think that I was favoring my right knee or anything, but when I went back for my 6-week checkup on the right knee, my only complaint was the left one. The doctor gave me a cortisone shot. Two days later, it wasn't any better, but now it feels ok. It's possible that it will hurt again after I go riding for any appreciable distance, but lately I haven't had a chance.

I certainly wouldn't mind going in for arthro again -- that was a breeze, and my right knee feels much better. I have a feeling that the problems in my left knee are almost identical and that I'll be going under the knife (or the mini-camera and such) again soon.


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