
The Cycle of Life

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Groundhog Day (the movie)

If I had to watch the same movie everyday for the rest of my life, it would be have to be "Groundhog Day."

Of course, that's a joke within a joke, but it's also true because "Groundhog Day" is one of my favorite movies, along with "Brazil" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." For the extremely small number of you who both read my blog AND haven't seen the film, it is, in short, about a man who has to relive the same day until he gets it right; only once he has become the best person he can be is his life allowed to continue. At that point, he finally appreciates his life.

The movie is sublime. It never hits you over the head with its message, but if you've watched it enough times, you won't be surprised to learn that it has been called the most spiritual movie of all time or that there was a conference to discuss its Buddhist implications.

I've already written about how unicycling has led me to appreciate life in a way I never did before. Mainly that's from the time that I could have died had a schoolbus not swerved at the last second before hitting me (not my fault!), but also because unicycling has opened certain doors for me or has otherwise changed my direction in life. As Fiona Apple sings: "If there was a better way to go then it would find me./ I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me." Groundhog Day is a way of seeing how the road could have rolled out differently.


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