
The Cycle of Life

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Usin' the Ol' Helmet

On my Coker ride home this evening, I was having fun with my usual boring parkside route by treating it like a monster muni course. I rode around every available obstacle (trees, lampposts, etc) and decided to ride on the cobblestone skirt of the path rather than the smoother sidewalk. In part, this was a challenge, but it also seemed like a great way to add some more muscle -- riding on cobblestones takes a lot out of a guy.

Cobblestones are wonky.

Suddenly I lost balance and began to lurch forward. I jumped off and tried to run it out but realized I'd be hitting the ground, so I did one of my patented tuck-and-roll moves. Normally I pop right back up, but this time, I was wearing my fanny pack. The pack caused me to stop my smooth somersault mid-roll, and I ended up smashing my helmet really hard on the pavement.

The fanny pack served one purpose (protect my spine in case of emergency) but caused a problem. I'm not sure how to resolve this one. And I need a new helmet light; the old one was smashed to pieces. My head seems ok, tho.

This was the first time I'd ever really smashed my head on the ground -- the first time I was really thankful for my helmet.


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